Thursday, 19 January 2012

SimPlify Your Life : Lemon Power

Lemon Power

A highly acidic & strong cleaning agent, lemons also provide a refreshing clean scent in your home.

1-   To freshen up flowers, add 1 TableSpoon of sugar,
 2 tablespoons of lemon juice & 1 Teaspoon of liquid chlorine bleach to a litre of water. Use the mixture each time u change the water to keep them looking fresher longer J

2-     To remove rust stains, sprinkle table salt liberally 
on the rust spot & squeeze the juice of a lemon over it. Let mixture sit for several hours, overnight if need be, to draw the stain out.

3- to prevent cut fruits like apples & bananas 
from turning brown, add lemon juice after cutting them.

4. to thoroughly clean the inside of your microwave
 oven, add 2 tablespoon of lemon juice to a cup of water in a microwave-safe bowl. heat the mixture for about five minutes & wipe moisture left behind with a sponge :)

5. to keep your wood surfaces glowing & protected, 
apply lemon juice & a touch of olive oil.

6. to keep ants at bay, spray some lemon juice 
along the bottom of doorways & windowbills.

7. to brighten pots & pans, rub halved lemons 
evenly throughout. allow to stand for up to 15minutes, then wipe clean.

0 Coretan~: